Advanced Video is Here
Commonly referred to as OTT or Over the Top Video, this is a term that is used to describe video content consumed via the internet.
Content can be consumed through a number of types of devices

64 Million Homes Have Accessed OTT Content in March 2019
OTT has a 66% reach among homes with Wi-Fi.
86 hours were spent, on average, viewing video content among OTT homes in a given month.

The Decline of Traditional Pay TV
HH subscriptions have consistently decreased each year.
A third of U.S. HH’s do not receive a traditional Pay TV service.
189 of 210 DMAs have seen double digit % decreases over the last 5 years.

Three Unique Video Products to Fit Your Objectives
iMedia Brings Proprietary Inventory Blends and Data to the Table
The iMedia Audiences OTT Solution leverages the latest in consumer trends to compliment your TV strategy.
Leaning into today’s cord-cutting behavior we deliver premium content across OTT channels in a TV-like experience.
This cutting-edge tactic allows you to enhance the recall and effectiveness of your cross-platform marketing campaign.

Proprietary Blend of Premium Publishers
Our unique blend of inventory leverages both exclusive relationships and top of the funnel access to top publishers for superior
local scale when it matters most.
All campaigns come with a real-time transparent dashboard that shows exactly where your campaign ran and what happened.
With detailed metrics by device and network delivery the extensive insight provides an industry leading advantage to stay ahead of your campaign.
- Video Engagement Metrics
- Frequency & Unique Reach
- Broadcast or Standard Calendar
- Campaign Pacing
- Complete Network Delivery
- Video Completion Rates
- Results by Creative
- Devices Served
- Daypart and Geo Placement